Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Zachy is the suck at sleeping

By now, I have learned 1 thing about child #3 -> Zach has proven that he hates sleep! I don't know how this happens or what would cause a 19.5 lb 7 month old baby-head to think that sleep is a waste of his time. It's not like he has anything better to do with his time. He can't crawl yet, he cant's roll from his back to his stomach, so he is not what I would call a mobile baby yet. He scoots around on his can-can from time to time but rarely gets very far- so I ask you Zach...WTH do you have against sleeping? It is 8:34 pm and he hasn't had a decent night sleep in 4 days- I am SOOOO tired my eyes are burning while I write this blog. My head is pounding because of sleep DEPRIVATION. It's like my bed has a set time that it needs me to be in it sleeping and instead, because of the "taco-baby", I have to abscond from that meeting and stay up. Absconding from my bed is also...the suck. So...please Zach...I beg you with every fiber of my ever living being to sleep tonight. And if you choose to wake up..do so quitely so I don't have to wake up with you. If anyone out there reading my BLOG would like to take mercy on me and let me sleep somehow- I welcome it, I welcome you, I welcome not absconding from my appointment with my bed to sleep. That is all I want right now-just a baby that isn't a sleep H8TR!

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