Thursday, February 14, 2013

Errr. 2013?

Is it worth changing my blog title because the year changed? I may have avoided that pitfall if I were a better blogger. Wow! A lot has changed and or taken place since I last blogged... like a ton! Too bad I am too tired right now to blog about it. I took a sleep aid pill and I am now feeling the fog come over me that will quickly take me off to sleepy sleepy time. Like Super sleepy time! SO this will be a super short post... I promise digital world... more is coming. I am going to be a better blogger in 2013, I am not going to rename my blog. I am going to continue to be myself and not apologize for who I am, and who I am becoming. Life has taught me some CRAZY lessons this past year. Maybe 2013 is the year that things actually change for me for the better.. maybe?

All in all..... I am tired and thirsty. Lesson learned for the week.. Do NOT ever go out for Mexican food for lunch on Valentines Day... if the best part of Valentines day happens at night, and the worst part of eating Mexican food happens at night, well.... there is not much more that needs to said- Fireflight is probably one of the best bands I have found recently// Clean, Heavy, Tight, good message, and all that Jazz... Good Stuff! PEACE!

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