1999 |
Two words....but first a story -> So as many of you know I am a fan
of a very few television programs. One of which is NBC's The Voice, so I
am watching this show and they announce a guest appearance from a group
called The Wanted.. They sang a song that sounded familiar. I suppose I
had heard them on the radio at some point. But it wasn't the song as
much as it was the sound and even more than that it was what I saw. The
Wanted a group of 5 dudes...singing a song together, each with their own
mic. What was happening????? Has it really been that long that the
powers that be have decided to bring back "the boy band." I had to
consult with the interwebs.. Sure enough according to the wikipedia and I
quote "
The Wanted are a British-Irish boy band. " There
was one last thing that I had to see to prove my theory...a music
video. So I fired up youtube and searched for the wanted. Within about 5
seconds of watching the video for a song called Heart Vacancy.. I knew
that my fear had been confirmed- 2012 is the year that we DIG so deep
into the bag of old redos that we are back to boy bands?? One word-
REALLY????? REALLY?????? It's bad enough that Hollywood can only muster
sequels and crappy re-makes of 80s movies. Now music is running
backwards? How long before disco pops back up on us? I am a fan of Glee
but their disco episode still just...sucked! I hate disco and
disco...SUCKS! Ok- I am going to hop off my soap box, but be
warned...boy bands are not sustainable music- one day we will hear these
songs at the local supermarket Or in an elevator. The proof is in the
1999 | |
2012 |
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